This is a step-by-step guide to testing the connections in your induction heater circuit.
- First disconnect the induction module from the circuit
- Now, without the trigger pressed, test the voltage to the VIN side of the MOSFET and the VOUT side of the MOSFET
- You should read approx 12V on the VIN side and 0V on the VOUT side
- Now press the trigger
- This should light the LED on the MOSFET. Test both sides, you should now read 12v on both the VIN and VOUT sides of the MOSFET
- If any part of this doesn’t work, the MOSFET is blown. If it all works, the problem is with the induction module
- There is still a chance that the BMS is blown. To test that, connect the induction module directly to the P+ and P- terminals of the BMS
- If the LED on the induction module lights up, the BMS and the induction module are fine. To test whether it is the BMS or the induction module you will either need to test the induction module with a different power supply, or test the battery with a different load