Pulse Heating
This is a more advanced program for your VapOven Arduino Shield, it includes double click to pulse heat – very similar to the slowCook feature on our production VapOvens.
Pulse heating allows your induction heater to heat up more slowly and allows the heat to slowly spread through the DynaVap tip and your material for a more even heat, resulting in bigger clouds.
Simply copy and paste the code below into the Arduino IDE and upload to your VapOven Arduino Shield to add pulse heating to your IH project.
If you have any questions about the code or need assistance uploading it to your VapOven Arduino Shield , let me know and I’ll do my best to help.
* Advanced code for the VapOven Arduino Shield
* turns on the IH module and light up LED1 when the trigger button is pressed
* turns on pulse heating with double click of the button
* uses the RGB LED as a battery indicator – green when battery is good, red when battery is low.
* temperature cutoff monitors the temperature and will not activate the IH if over 60 deg Centigrade
* This code is free to use and modify for personal use. It is released on the "You owe me a bud" licence - if we ever meet, you promise to provide me with a bud.
int triggerPin = 3;
int LED12v = 2;
int LED1 = 4;
int LED2 = 5;
int intLED = 13;
int blueRGB = 9;
int greenRGB = 10;
int redRGB = 11;
int buttonPin = 8;
int potPin = A7;
int tempPin = A1;
int voltSensorPin = A6;
float voltage; //battery voltage
double lowBatteryThreshold = 10;
//vaiables for the button press and timeout function
bool buttonState;
bool lastButtonState = LOW;
long buttonPressStart;
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; // debounce delay - can adjust this to make button less sensitive
bool ovenOn = LOW;
int tempC;
int tempCutOff = 60; //temperature in Celcius to stop IH activating
//pulse mode double click bits
int stateCount = 0;
long firstPressTime;
long buttonTimer = 600;
long timeOut = 800;
long timeOutTimer = 0;
bool pulseMode = false;
long pulseModeStartTime = 0;
int pulseModeDelay = 5000;
//for the pulse heat mode
long pulseOvenTime = 500; //adjust this value to change speed of pulse
long pulseOvenStart = 0;
float loopTime;
void setup() {
//set up all the pins
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED12v, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueRGB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenRGB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redRGB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(intLED, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
loopTime = millis();
//check the temperature
tempC = getTemp();
//check the battery voltage (if the button isn't pressed)
if(ovenOn == LOW && pulseMode == LOW) voltage = getVoltage();
//set the RGB LED colour to indicate battery level
if(voltage >= lowBatteryThreshold){
digitalWrite(redRGB, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenRGB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blueRGB, LOW);
digitalWrite(redRGB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(greenRGB, LOW);
digitalWrite(blueRGB, LOW);
//check button - do some stuff
int reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (reading != lastButtonState) {
lastDebounceTime = loopTime;
//button has changed
if ((loopTime - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
if (reading != buttonState) {
//record the click
timeOutTimer = loopTime;
buttonState = reading;
//reset the button time out
buttonPressStart = loopTime;
//reset first press timer
if(stateCount == 1){
firstPressTime = loopTime;
lastButtonState = reading;
//check button state count and activate oven
//not pressed, everything is off
if (stateCount == 0 && buttonState == LOW){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
//first press, turn oven on normally
if(stateCount == 1 && buttonState == HIGH){
ovenOn = HIGH;
pulseMode = LOW;
//something is amiss, reset
if(stateCount == 1 && buttonState == LOW){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
stateCount = 0;
//released button after first press, turn oven off
if (stateCount == 2 && buttonState == LOW){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
//something is amiss, reset
if(stateCount == 2 && buttonState == HIGH){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
stateCount = 0;
//second press of double click, enter pulse mode
if (stateCount == 3 && buttonState == HIGH){
pulseMode = HIGH;
//something is amiss, reset
if(stateCount == 3 && buttonState == LOW){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
stateCount = 0;
//more than the double click, reset the counter
if(stateCount >= 4){
stateCount = 0;
//timer for double click
if(loopTime - firstPressTime > buttonTimer){
stateCount = 0;
//timer to reset stateCount in case of errors
if((loopTime - timeOutTimer) > timeOut && buttonState == LOW){
stateCount = 0;
//if the button is not pressed set oven to off
if(buttonState == LOW){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
//if the temperature is above the cutoff, set the oven to off
if(tempC >= tempCutOff){
ovenOn = LOW;
pulseMode = LOW;
// on off switch for oven
if(ovenOn == HIGH){
digitalWrite(intLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
if(pulseMode == HIGH){
if(loopTime - pulseOvenStart < pulseOvenTime){
digitalWrite(intLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(intLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
if (loopTime - pulseOvenStart > pulseOvenTime*2){
pulseOvenStart = loopTime;
if(ovenOn == LOW && pulseMode == LOW){
digitalWrite(intLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
//returns temperature in celcius from TMP36 sensor
int getTemp(){
int tempReading = analogRead(tempPin);
// converting to voltage
double voltage = tempReading * 5.0;
voltage /= 1024.0;
// print the temperature
double tempCdoub = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
int tempCint = tempCdoub;
return tempCint;
//returns the voltage from the voltage sensor
float getVoltage(){
int data = 0;
float V = 0.0;
float R1 = 47000.0;
float R2 = 22000.0;
data = analogRead(voltSensorPin);
V = (data * 5.0) / 1024.0;
return(V / (R2 / (R1 + R2)));